Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Episode 3 - A study in malfunctions and perseverance

(1:41pm 7.19.2011 -- Edited to remove the distorted final segment)

Welcome back!  Above, you can stream the third installment of The Egalitarian Fun Hour!  This week it's just Shannon and me back in the chapel in Compton where we discuss various topics such as FYF Fest, the final Harry Potter Film, and the dreaded Carmageddon, among other things.  Enjoy!

The playlist for today's episode:

Vetiver - "Hard to Break" from The Errant Charm
Gary Numan - "Cars" from The Pleasure Principle
Francis and the Lights - "My Goals" from Striking
Tune-Yards - "Gangsta" from Whokill

An explanation of the sound quality after the jump.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Episode 2 - With special guests Rufino deSantos and JD DeFour

Welcome back! Above, you can find our second official podcast where we invited our friends Rufino and JD onto the show with us to talk about a number of things, including the PLACE Corps Send-off Celebration, the nature of a good board game, and trivia night at the Cock n' Bull, as well as featuring a number of songs, especially one by Drew DeFour, JD's brother.

We recorded this show yesterday - a very warm day in Los Angeles - and so decided to record in the dining room area of the house instead of in the chapel, as we did for Episode 1.  Unfortunately, and unbeknownst to us, the dining room area turned out to be much more echo-y than the chapel, and that feature certainly becomes noticeable on the recording.  Bear with our experimentation while we find out what works and what does not work, as the show is still enjoyable to listen to.

And here's the playlist from this episode:

  1. Magic Kids - "Superball" from Memphis
  2. Drew DeFour - "The Tower" from The Troubador
  3. Cults - "Bumper" from S/T
  4. Matt & Kim - "Block After Block" - from Sidewalks